Brexit. UK citizens in Spain. Residence Card. Taxes

For now there is nothing to worry. Any UK Citizen registered as European Citizen Resident in Spain, will be able to convert his/her green paper card (old ones are a A4 green paper) in a the standard Resident Permit for non European citizens, in this case is a the plastic card with size of a credit card that for sure you show many times.

Exact procedure for applying for this card is not yet decided but for sure you will heard about it before July-2020. Nothing to worry.

Meanwhile, any document will remain valid during this transition period, than now is until December 31st 2020, this transition period can be increased for 1 or 2 years if UK ask for it to European Union.

Do not worry. You will know how to ex-change residence card with time, and this information will be published in all newspapers, blogs…

Some notes about NIE in Spain

Documents issued by police:

  1. NIE, numero de indentificación de extranjero is a white paper issued by police, only requieres explain police that you need it for something, ie. sign at then notary any document. This is not a residence permit.
  2. Green Card (registro de ciudadanos comunitarios) displays some number as NIE, but proves register as resident in Spain under regulations for European Union Citizens
  3. Tarjeta de Residencia, this is the standard residence permit for non European Citizens, it also shows same NIE is this number never changes with disregard on what support is printed. This residence card states type of residence permit, and if work is allowed. For UK citizens with green card, will be granted with authorization to work, does not matter if you don´t want to work :)

TAX OFFICE. Spanish regulations state that tax number must match NIE number issued by police. NIE number becomes also tax number when registering it at tax office

Brexit will not change your tax status as non resident or resident for tax purposes.
Rental income of real state in Spain for non residents, will be more expensive, as tax rate will increase from 19% applied to European Citizens to 24% applied to Non European Residents, and also base of tax will change form rental profit to rental income, that will make even more expensive.
As well, non rented estates, will be taxed at 24% instead of 19%, but base in this case do not change because of Brexit.
Esta entrada fue publicada en Actualidad, Comentarios, Política Económica, English. Guarda el enlace permanente.

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